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Getting the straight story on payday loans might be even trickier than it looks.,Since at least 2017, US regulators have relied on a single, “objective” academic study to shape restrictions on short-term, high-interest loans, which critics claim are prone to victimize cash-strapped borrowers.,But the Ivy League professor behind that study — which scrutinized in particular the causes behind delinquency rates in various states — has enjoyed cozy ties to a payday-lending executive and advised other academics on how to sway policymakers, The Post has learned.,Ronald Mann, who teaches at Columbia Law School, has done previously undisclosed work at the behest of Hilary Miller, the president of the Short-Term Loan Bar Association, an industry group of payday lawyers, according to e-mails obtained by The Post.,In one instance, Miller urged another academic who was penning a pro-payday paper to use Mann’s research to “explain away” delinquency data that could have undermined their case for deregulating the loans, which can carry interest rates of 400 percent and up, the e-mails show.,Mann had written to Miller in 2014 with advice on which data to play up when critiquing tight restrictions in Florida that forbid borrowers to roll over payday loans.,The previously unreported e-mails, provided to The Post by the Campaign for Accountability, are surfacing as the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is using research by Mann as it prepares to nix the rollout of payday-loan restrictions that the agency proposed in 2017.,Mann — whose 2013 study argues that most payday-loan borrowers understand the risks— told The Post he’s known Miller for “many years” and said he routinely comments on colleagues’ papers.,The 2013 study by Mann claims that most borrowers who take out payday loans understand about how long it would take to pay them back in full — evidence that they understood the risks of the financial product.,Mann likewise says his 2013 paper, “Assessing the Optimism of Payday Loan Borrowers,” wasn’t influenced or funded by the payday loan industry. Nevertheless, Miller had hired and paid for a third party to collect the data that Mann’s study was based on, according to a 2016 blog post by Freakonomics.,Mann’s 2013 paper “is the most objective, reasonable study out there,” said Casey Jennings, a former CFPB regulator who helped draft the original payday rules and is now in private practice.,Priestley, in her 2014 report, writes that “tight restrictions on rollovers appear to harm borrowers in states like Florida.” Borrowers in less restrictive states, like Texas, had higher delinquency rates in 2006 partly because of higher auto loan defaults, but weren’t so negatively affected by the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009, she added.interest free payday loans
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